An Ode to Creativity or Fertility ?

An Ode to Creativity or Fertility ?

I heard that this guitar is really fertile. It's got plenty of seeds for making sweet music. I guess the giant sperm on the guitar represent the creative juices flowing into it. Or maybe it's just a reminder of where good ideas go to die. But, you know what they say :...

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Humbuckers Madness

Humbuckers Madness

6 guitars and 24 humbuckers, I'm pretty sure you'll never run out of sound options with that much firepower. I bet if you played all 6 at once, it would create a sonic boom that could bring down buildings. That must be one loud family - Source

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Trump-Carved Guitar Making Strings Great Again?

Trump-Carved Guitar Making Strings Great Again?

It's not a guitar, it's a covfefe ! Given the reptilian skin they gave it, it's not sure if that's a poorly executed taxidermy project of Donald Trump, or an attempt to subtly disclose the real nature of Donald Trump. Who knows ? At least it's not as bad as a...

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Shredding with Style: The Killer Drill Guitar from the 80s Slasher Classic

Who needs guitar solos when you can unleash a power drill solo instead? Imagine the faces in the crowd as you unleash the drilling fury upon unsuspecting ears!

Do You Need The Best Top Fret Access ?

The 1990s Alvarez Dana Scoop is a rare guitar with a unique feature - a "scoop" cut out of the body to allow for easier access to the upper frets. But ain't that a little bit too much ? Funny fact : Dana Sutcliffe, the creator of the Alvarez Dana Scoop guitar,...

Cupcakes on a Guitar… Yummy !

Wait, WHAT ? These are not cupcakes shaped knobs ? I don't know about you but whatever these are, I'm not sure I want to be licking my guitar knobs, even if they do look that delicious. Looks like a recipe for a sticky mess.

Nine Necks One Guitar at NAMM 2018

Can't make up your mind ? Fender has a solution ! This nine necks guitar is probably unplayable but you won't have to chose a specific model ! There all in there ! This beast of a guitar was created by master luthier Paul Waller from Fender's custom shop. It features...

This Guitar Tells you How Fast you Can Play ?

Use this guitar only if you're ready to rock...and roll at high speeds! Though shredders might like this speedometer guitar, they might end up frustrated when they'll realize they ain't as fast as they thought !

KFC Guitar

The rumor has it that Buckethead said "Now that's a finger-lickin' good guitar!" when presented with the KFC guitar ! Anyway, that may be not the best body shape ever but chicken picking should work very well on this instrument !

The Ramen Stratocaster: When Your Love for Food Meets Your Love for Music

Let’s raise a fork…I mean, a pick…to the Ramen Stratocaster, the guitar that proves you can make music out of anything, even your favorite college snack.

18-string Djent Monster !

First, the Fender 9 necks guitar. Now, the Ormsby Jared Dines 18-string djent monster. I guess it's fair to say that NAMM 2018 has turned into a NAMM freak show ! Source : Music Radar

Paris Hilton Doesn’t Make it Look Better : the Epiphone Airscreamer Remains Ugly !

I know, I know... Some would say that Paris Hilton makes it even uglier ! The Epiphone Airscreamer is inspired an iconic symbols of Americana, the Airstream travel trailers. This guitar features a body shaped like the classic Airstream "Bambi" trailer, complete with a...

Frankensteinish SG Jazzmaster Guitar

Weird Frankenstein guitar, right ? These Big G III guitars were made by Dillion Guitars. Obviously, they were discontinued at the request of Gibson Guitars !


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Butchered ’66 Jazzmaster

Butchered ’66 Jazzmaster

Sometimes, you just can't believe your eyes ! According to Ben who posted this picture on Guitar Fail's Facebook page, someone brought this '66 Jazzmaster as...

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Connecting Humans ?

Connecting Humans ?

Finally, a pedal that truly captures the essence of being in a band: being physically connected to your bandmates ! One thing we'd like to know ! Where should...

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