Tremolo Pedals… Not !

Tremolo Pedals… Not !

I am definitely one to use the term vibrato arm instead of tremolo arm ! But these are in no way pedals and even less tremolo pedals ! Unless you lay down your Strat on the floor, and use your foot to press ! Both tremolo arm and vibrato arm are commonly used to refer...

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Guitarists Volume Theory

Guitarists Volume Theory

So true ! There must some physics law to explain that common phenomenon ! Why do guitarists have to push the volume so loud between the perfectly balanced sound check and the last song of the performance ? Or maybe is it just some basic psychology ? Source

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Elvis “Love Me Tender” Tribute Guitar

Yet another carved guitar that won't change our minds about carved guitars ! They are freaking hilarious despite the craftmanship involved ! The face of Elvis at the top of the guitar is strangely reminiscent Kuato's face - yes, the rebels leader mutant growing out of...

A-ha Guitar… Ahahahaha ! This Guitar is a Joke, Right?

What's the deal with a a-ha shaped guitar? I mean, is it just me or is this just a ridiculous thing to make a guitar look like? What's next, a Schwarzenegger shaped barbell ?

Once Upon a Time, a Telecaster Met a Flyrig…

... and BAM ! Introducing the Telecaster-Flyrig hybrid, the ultimate choice for musicians who can't decide whether investing in a guitar or a pedalboard. Just make sure you have an extra set of legs or hands to use the board. I wonder if it is easy to use !

Strumming on the Wild Side on a Guitar with a Predator’s Smile!

It’s not just a guitar face. This superstrat’s got a super snarl! That grin is like a warning that it’s ready to bite the chart-toppers!

Guitar or Sea Monster? The Confusing Creation That Nobody Wants to Talk About!

When I first saw this guitar, it made think of a sea creature. It's like the designer said, "You know what would be great? If we combined a fish, or some sort of aquatic creature, and a guitar to confuse the hell out of everyone." I think this guitar is trying to tell...

Nine Necks One Guitar at NAMM 2018

Can't make up your mind ? Fender has a solution ! This nine necks guitar is probably unplayable but you won't have to chose a specific model ! There all in there ! This beast of a guitar was created by master luthier Paul Waller from Fender's custom shop. It features...

What If Honda Made Guitars ?

They would probably look like this ! The builder of this insane guitar had parts lying around in the garage that he put together : Telecaster-style hardware Red pearloid Stratocaster neck pickup Honda GX160 fan shroud, carb, coil and fuel tank Choke lever serves as...

Gibson SG Eden of Coronet… Really ?

“All along we’ve been striving to expand our business to different sectors of the consumer market and ‘Eden of CORONET®’ is definitely an important milestone for what we target to achieve.” Consumer market ? Milestone ? Really ? REALLY ? The SG Eden of Coronet is a...

Yummy Full Breakfast Guitar

Why settle for just playing breakfast songs when you can have breakfast on your guitar? Imagine a world where every guitar comes with a side of bacon and eggs. Yummy ! I bet this one smells delicious. Too bad you can't cook with it. One thing though, do you have to...

Budding Guitars ??

I wish budding guitars would exist... It would be cheaper to change gear! However the budding process would make it quite hard to play I guess! Paul Kinny's Stereo acoustic guitar - Source


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Sport, Fitness & Guitar

Sport, Fitness & Guitar

Who needs protein shakes when you have a guitar? These guys are clearly on the guitar-gain diet. I'm not sure if they're promoting fitness or guitar playing...

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Worm Holes Guitars !

Worm Holes Guitars !

When it comes to lutherie, I'm not a purist. I do believe that anyy piece of wood can be used to make a solid body guitar. So I believe these pieces of wormy...

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