Behold the guitar that might just bite back if you miss a chord. It’s not every day you see a guitar that looks like it’s snarling at the audience, but today’s the day we talk about this shimmering green beast that’s more ‘Jurassic Park’ than ‘Jingle Bell Rock’.

Face Off: When Guitars Get a Little Too Real

Let’s face it (pun absolutely intended), this superstrat model isn’t just another pretty face in the crowd. It’s packing a grimace so fierce, you’d think it was forged in the fires of a dragon’s belly, not a luthier’s workshop.

With its snout, teeth, or tusks – because let’s be honest, we’re not entirely sure what those are – this guitar brings new meaning to the phrase “face-melting solo.”

Eyes in the Back of Your Band

Now, about those eyes. I wouldn’t be surprised if they followed you around the room, keeping an eye out for any off-beat strummers or tone-deaf invaders.

This guitar isn’t just for playing; it’s for asserting dominance over the entire rhythm section.

The Strat That Struts

Crafted with the kind of attention to detail that would make a Renaissance sculptor weep, this superstrat goes beyond mere aesthetics. Those volume and tone knobs huddle together for warmth near the six-saddle bridge like they’re planning their escape from the creature’s maw.

Maple and Menace: A Combination for the Ages

As for the fretboard, it’s a slab of possibly maple goodness, marked with dot inlays that serve as breadcrumbs back to sanity after you get lost in the wilds of its design. It’s not just a guitar; it’s an adventure with strings attached.

With a guitar like this, you’d just have remember to keep your fingers clear of those teeth – we suspect they’re sharper than your average G string.

There you have it, folks: the guitar that’s half Stratocaster, half mythical creature, and entirely off-the-wall. It must be nice to add a touch of the fantastical to a gig, and to scare the audience once and for all!

Guitar Fail
Guitar Fail

Exploring the funny side of guitar since 2011. Our motto is simple: “In it for the guitar fail!“

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