Les Paul Justin Bieber Signature?

At least the portrait is more realistic than the Stratocaster Beyoncé Signature !

Stratocollapster : Double Body Guitar With a Single Neck

Two Stratocaster bodies united by one neck ! You don't get the point? Neither do we ! There is a video of this Stereocaster - Stratocollapster, whatever ! - that will probably left you scratching your head trying to figure out what the deal is with this siamese...

Get Your Kicks on Route 66 Guitar

Don't you think a Route 69 guitar would be more ergonomic and enjoyable ?

Musical Manscaping: MGK’s Schecter Razor Blade Guitar Is Here to Trim the Excess!

This MGK’s Schecter Razor Blade guitar is so sharp that when you strum it on the edge, it cuts through the mix with no effort. The next cutting edge of Rock ?

Guitar for Shrek

Not shred... Shrek! This guitar was on ebay... Not much information about it though.

Who Wants To Play the Panjo ?

If it doesn't sound great, you can still fry some eggs and bacon in this frying pan banjo.

Snake Guitar

Impressive skills but carved guitars always make me smile... This custom shop ESP Snake 2 from makes no exception.

Bosch Guitar

For heavy metal demolition only... The Bosch Guitar was made by Specimen Products in 2008. The guitar features a 24-1/2 inch scale lengthmaple neck with an ebony fretboard. The body of the guitar is made of basswood, and it is equipped with a DiMarzio Fred pickup in...

Experimental Acoustic Guitar

Experimental Guitar - Source This very strange experimental acoustic guitar is the work of highly acclaimed luthier William Laskin. Still, I couldn't help but see a vague resemblance to a minion character. It's like they took a minion, and put some strings on it. And...

Can I Borrow Your Guitar ?

And now, play a chord... Any chord ! Those microtonal guitars are crazy ! 16-note subharmonic series 'organic' guitar by Ron Sword - Source Enregistrer


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