Super Nintendo Inspired Guitar

Methinks many of you will LOVE this axe ! The guitar was made by luthier Franck Claise. It has a set of Cold Sweat Bare Knuckle Pickups, and a module making Street Fighter sounds with SNES paddle buttons....

The Golden Turdocaster

The Golden Turdocaster Original Custom Polished is the guitar you need to play your crappy riffs ! Oh I see. But most guitars can play crappy riffs ? Exactly. But this one has an auto-flush tremolo. It looks like a regular tremolo to me. Yeah. But these don’t...

KFC Guitar

The rumor has it that Buckethead said “Now that’s a finger-lickin’ good guitar!” when presented with the KFC guitar ! Anyway, that may be not the best body shape ever but chicken picking should work very well on this instrument...