What’s That Buzz ?

If your guitar buzzes when not plugged in… Beware of the wasps ! A Melbourne man brought a guitar to Living Music that had been left in a shed for years and was making a buzzing sound when played. Upon inspection, it was discovered that the source of the buzzing...

E = Fb

If Albert Einstein said so, I’ll go with that ! From now on, E = Fb no matter what enharmonic relationships arguments you’ll throw at me !

Geranium Fuzz

Just for its name, Geranium Fuzz, this one is a win… Agreed ? The discontinued Addrock Geranium Fuzz is based on the legendary Fuzz Face. It uses NKT275 germanium transistors. It makes me want to grab one to get that flower power tone...

Lego Guitar

The level of creativity put into this Lego guitar is impressive. I didn’t know legos could be used to make musical instruments, but I guess it proves that anything can be turned into a terrible sounding guitar. That tone ! Eew ! I’ll stick to traditional...

Pedal Demo Bingo

The pedal demo bingo is funny because it’s true ! When you think about it, isn’t that true that : Every other overdrive demo is about a Tube Screamer clone ? True bypass is the holy grail of pedal demos ? Commenters could discuss the reviewer’s...