Da Ya Think I’m Sexy ?

Meet Les Paulette’s sister ! If your guitar is your other wife maybe you should consider buying them some lingerie from time to time ? Photo from Lily Sews – DRimbo

Cement Shoes for Guitars !!

First, I thought that this Les Paul guitar had made the mistake of working with the mafia! You know… It tried to double-cross them and ended up with concrete shoes at the bottom of a river ! But that’s not the real story of this guitar ! Duh ! This is the...

Singer’s Dream Stompbox

Fake ! It doesn’t have the autotune thingy ! Imagine if this Singer’s Dream stompbox was real… That would be too much power under the foot of a singer. No doubt that most singers out there would overuse their stompbox to turn down the guitar player,...

What’s That Buzz ?

If your guitar buzzes when not plugged in… Beware of the wasps ! A Melbourne man brought a guitar to Living Music that had been left in a shed for years and was making a buzzing sound when played. Upon inspection, it was discovered that the source of the buzzing...

E = Fb

If Albert Einstein said so, I’ll go with that ! From now on, E = Fb no matter what enharmonic relationships arguments you’ll throw at me !