This is NOT a Guitar !

Ok ! The simple fact that a quadriplegic man can move his fingers to use a video game controller is awesome news ! But still… This is NOT a guitar, dammit !

Nick Jonas Guitar Solo Tablature !

By now you’ve all heard about Nick Jonas guitar solo fail at the ACM Awards and y’all know that he blames a brain fart for that. Love the self-deprecating humor ! Now, enjoy the Nick Jonas guitar solo tablature as transcribed by John Huldt (here playing...

Once Upon a Time, a Telecaster Met a Flyrig…

… and BAM ! Introducing the Telecaster-Flyrig hybrid, the ultimate choice for musicians who can’t decide whether investing in a guitar or a pedalboard. Just make sure you have an extra set of legs or hands to use the board. I wonder if it is easy to use...

100 Pedals, One Big Wall of Sound !

I wish I had a hundred pitch shifting and ring mod pedals to do the same experiment… Imagine, 100 pitch shifting and rind mod pedals ! We all somehow know that if you were to link up a collection of 100 pedals and activate them all at once, the resulting sound...