You Don’t Wanna Mess With These Guys…

No you don’t ! I wouldn’t want to mess with them, they look like they can chop down a tree or a foe with equal ease. Looks like they’re ready to rock the stage, and possibly conquer a planet or two. I’m pretty sure they’re in the wrong...

This Charvel Surfcaster Doesn’t Seem Quite Right…

At first I thought it was a photoshop reject but it turned out to be a discontinued model! I like the Charvel Surfcaster but with this Jackson headstock it is just awful! It’s like the guitar was designed by someone who couldn’t decide whether they wanted...

Yet Another Dexter Style Mess

Now that’s some thick blood ! I think that a good bloody finish would be right between the guitar below and this blood spatter finish. But again, how should I know that a blood spatter finish is more realistic than the other...

So… Your Arm is Your Other Guitar?

Upside of having a guitar tattooed on your left arm : You can silently practice your strumming technique anytime you want. Downside of having a guitar tattooed on your left arm : you can’t practice your scales and licks on the fretboard...