Extreme Makeover: Guitar Edition – The Rounded 1964 Melody Maker
Modding masterpiece or monstrosity? Unpacking the 1964 rounded Melody Maker mod madness. A wild journey… An ultimate guitar transformation!
Modding masterpiece or monstrosity? Unpacking the 1964 rounded Melody Maker mod madness. A wild journey… An ultimate guitar transformation!
Step into the DIY world where the kitchen drawer becomes the ultimate guitar toolkit. Behold the fork tremolo stopper, a fork in the road to perfect pitch!
This bass mod defies explanation but not imagination. In a world where we’re often too focused on the “why,” this bass headstock boldly embodies the “why not?”
This FrankenStrat’s synth monster has more knobs than a NASA console! It looks like a guitar that tried everything, and decided to push a little further.