You Don’t Wanna Mess With These Guys…

No you don’t ! I wouldn’t want to mess with them, they look like they can chop down a tree or a foe with equal ease. Looks like they’re ready to rock the stage, and possibly conquer a planet or two. I’m pretty sure they’re in the wrong...

So… Your Arm is Your Other Guitar?

Upside of having a guitar tattooed on your left arm : You can silently practice your strumming technique anytime you want. Downside of having a guitar tattooed on your left arm : you can’t practice your scales and licks on the fretboard...

Way Too Many Pickups & Switches

You know what they say… If a shiny guitar looks too soviet, it’s probably some tribute guitar ! Meet the Ural V8… Ural V8 – Source According to its maker, the inspiration for the guitar design was Nigel Tufnel’s “Mr....