Worst Scalloped Fretboard Ever !

This scalloped fretboard looks like it was chewed by a pack of wild animals, or maybe it was carved by a blindfolded gorilla with a butter knife. Either way, it is very impressive.

The Best Guitar (Han) Solo Ever !!

That’s pure Star Wars fanatics material !! It’s actually pretty awesome !! Music teacher Travis Stevens was commissioned to build a one-of-a-kind Han Solo in Carbonite guitar. The guitar’s rectangular shape was inspired by the Bo Diddley signature...

No One Can Bear This Guitar !!

I’m not sure if this guitar is meant to be played or hugged, but either way, I bet it sounds as soft and cuddly as a teddy bear… but with a bit more of attitude!

Who Wants a Slice of ESPizza ?

Spotted this picture on Guitar World’s facebook page… It seems totally made for a Ninja Turtle !! Makes me think that I’m hungry… Pizzaaaaaa ! For over 8 years, Andrew W.K. dreamed of creating a guitar made out of a slice of pizza. The dream...

Band of Sextoys !

Not exactly a guitar fail but a very funny idea it is! And this confirms that guitarists are dicks, and bass players are bigger dicks haha !! Enregistrer