Return of the Dyslexic Luthier

That must be the work of the same guy who made this headstock ! The funniest part is that he figured out that something was wrong. Then, instead of turning the bridge, he put what looks to be a pen under the strings to serve as a bridge nut ! Shared by Lukasz on...

The Most Expensive Capo Ever… But Why ?

Finally, a capo that matches my diamond-encrusted guitar strap. Now I can finally achieve my dream of becoming a human disco ball. You have to love bling a lot to want one of these G7th crystal inlaid capos. Each one will be hand crafted, and will retail for $599 !...

What a Mess !!

I didn’t see the guitar before this massacre… I don’t think I want to see it ! Obviously, it was some sort of Stratocaster guitar that’s been through hell !

“One More” He Said !

Every guitarist knows that the right number of guitars they should own is always one more ! Unfortunately, most spouses don’t know that beforehand. They will only realize it when it’s too late.