Oh great, now you can spread Christmas cheer and disturb your neighbors at the same time! Looks like the perfect gift for that one relative who loves Christmas music and hates everyone else’s hearing. Or maybe that one relative is you, I’m not judging!

Because playing a regular guitar just wasn’t enough, why not have a half-sized Santa to carry around with you? At least, he’s not full-sized. That would be a real challenge! I just hope it doesn’t have a ‘ho ho ho’ button to put that built-in speaker to use! That would be a disaster!
But let’s see the bright side for a minute… Why settle for a regular Santa suit when you can wear a Santa guitar instead? No more annoying Santa impersonators, now you can play the role of Santa AND provide the music!
As for the Casino brand, it appears to be based in, and specific to Australia. Information about the brand is limited though.