Furcaster Fail

Step 1: Take one perfectly good Strat,Step 2: Cover with pink fur.Step 3: Congratulations, it’s ruined!

Satellite Dish Guitar

What the hell is this thing ? I’m not sure if that satellite dish guitar is supposed to sound like that or if it’s just picking up some interference from the cosmos. Not surprising that it is better for receiving signals than for producing them, though....

Guitar Doorbell

GuitDoorbell is best doorbell ever ! You know how regular doorbells are boring or even annoying sometimes. Well, not anymore. The best part is that you can tune this mini guitar as you want. It can even be removed from the door to play it as a normal guitar....

Bed Planks Guitar

Whaaaaat ? A guitar made of bed planks should say : “Sleep well, play well.” The problem is how could you either sleep well or play well on such a messy assembly. Looks like someone’s been binge-watching too much DIY home renovations shows but...