Is This Some Sort of Modern Art ?

Go home guitar, you’re drunk ! This Stratocaster is probably made for guitarists who like to be different…and confused. Unless it is a very confusing variation for left-handed guitar players. Anyway, it seems a little bit challenging...

Cardboard Stratocaster

Yep… A guitar made of cardboard ! Definitely not a fail but it sure is a whacky funny guitar thingy ! Fender’s Custom Shop has partnered with Ernest Packaging to create a cardboard Stratocaster as part of the company’s Cardboard Chaos series. The...

What’s That Buzz ?

If your guitar buzzes when not plugged in… Beware of the wasps ! A Melbourne man brought a guitar to Living Music that had been left in a shed for years and was making a buzzing sound when played. Upon inspection, it was discovered that the source of the buzzing...

Lego Guitar

The level of creativity put into this Lego guitar is impressive. I didn’t know legos could be used to make musical instruments, but I guess it proves that anything can be turned into a terrible sounding guitar. That tone ! Eew ! I’ll stick to traditional...