Too Much Pickguard Material?

You’re customizing your acoustic guitar. Say you want to add a pickguard because it will protect your guitar, and it will look cool. You proceed. You sculpt the coolest shape you can. Obviously, you’ll screw the pickguard because glue is overrated. And...

A Tremolo Bar for an Acoustic Guitar

A strangely-shaped acoustic guitar with a tremolo bar on a fixed bridge ? That’s way too weird… This strange guitar is the creation from British guitar builder Brian Eastwood. It’s fair to say that he has a lot of imagination and creativity. This...

You Don’t Wanna Mess With These Guys…

No you don’t ! I wouldn’t want to mess with them, they look like they can chop down a tree or a foe with equal ease. Looks like they’re ready to rock the stage, and possibly conquer a planet or two. I’m pretty sure they’re in the wrong...

Way Too Many Pickups & Switches

You know what they say… If a shiny guitar looks too soviet, it’s probably some tribute guitar ! Meet the Ural V8… Ural V8 – Source According to its maker, the inspiration for the guitar design was Nigel Tufnel’s “Mr....