Bubblegum Pop Guitar

The gumballs in this gumball guitar wouldn’t last more than a week ! Tonal Instruments, run by Rich Roland, is known for crafting unique guitars and violins. However, they also make guitar-shaped objects such as neon guitars, guitar aquariums, and the guitar...

Telecaster Rickenbacker Pickup Hybrid

A lot of vintage lapsteel pickups were pulled off in the past to be converted into lead Telecaster pickups but I’ve never seen this done with a horseshoe Rickenbacker pick up ! Now I know why… It’s just ugly! Source...

Rocking Chairs

Rockin chairs like in chairs that really rock ! I wanna say win for this except for the fact that these chair guitars are probably not the most comfortable… to play with ! Enregistrer

Guitar + Tits = Titar ?

That’s silly. I love it ! The guitar of Australian comedian Jenny Talia – aaaaand I’m giggling, dammit! – is something else. I’m not sure if the audience will be paying more attention to the music or the artwork on the back of this...