Have you ever been caught in the philosophical dilemma of what came first, the bass or the… fish? No? Well, I did, especially after laying eyes on this unique specimen – the Goldfish Bass! Yep, you read that right. Someone out there thought, “You know what the world needs? A bass guitar vaguely shaped like a fish.”

And I, for one, am not mad about it. I am amused by it…

When bass meets bass – Source

I mean, just look at that gorgeous gradient finish. Like the perfect sunset reflecting off the serene waters where our fishy friend might swim. The instrument’s design ingeniously merges marine aesthetics with musical functionality. Right?

That elongated lower horn? Not just there to represent the goldfish’s graceful tail but also to provide some serious reach for those high fret escapades.

The cutaway, my friends, is not your average cutaway. It’s wider, bolder, allowing the musician’s hand to swim freely across the fretboard. It’s as if the designer thought, “Let’s give the player some extra room, just in case they have fins instead of fingers!”

But let’s not ignore the elephant in the room… or should I say, the fish in the pond? The neck of the bass sticks out of the fish’s butt… No biggie but I had to shed light on that disturbing fact!

This bass is a clear departure from the norm. Imagine showing up to a gig, casually pulling this out of its case while the audience expects a regular bass. They’d be in for quite the surprise, right?

Well this Goldfish Bass is an ode to creativity, a nod to the off-beat, and a salute to the unconventional. I think if you want to make a splash in the music world, you know which bass to pick up. Swim on, rockstars!

Guitar Fail
Guitar Fail

Exploring the funny side of guitar since 2011. Our motto is simple: “In it for the guitar fail!“

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