by Guitar Fail | May 1, 2013 | Custom
That’s DIY at its finest ! After all, why spend money on a fancy tremolo stopper when you can just stuff some coins in there? One can only applaud to such a creative innovation. “Does it stay in tune ?” you might ask. Well, who cares ? Who needs...
by Guitar Fail | Aug 24, 2011 | Custom
So I soldered the bastard ! Now, it stays in tune but it’s very very hard to manipulate. I don’t get it ? Don’t tell me that it was not the best way to fix my unstable tremolo !
by Guitar Fail | Aug 24, 2011 | Strings
And you really wonder why?
by Guitar Fail | Aug 18, 2011 | Designs
A strangely-shaped acoustic guitar with a tremolo bar on a fixed bridge ? That’s way too weird… This strange guitar is the creation from British guitar builder Brian Eastwood. It’s fair to say that he has a lot of imagination and creativity. This...
by Guitar Fail | Aug 11, 2011 | Strings
… then that broken string that I found as is out from the package would be a win ! I guess that 13 is not my lucky number.