This iPod Guitar Should Please Apple Fans

Recipe to make a promotional guitar : Take the item you want to promote Upscale the item to the size of a guitar body Build a guitar around the item-shaped body It doesn’t work for every items but it works just fine for an iPod. This one was on sale on...

Legolize it

Marko is a Guitar Fail reader. He built this double neck Lego guitar when he was 12! And he asked us to feature it here…

Weird String Mounting

I Heart Guitar posted this on his Facebook page saying that he has “never seen this done before: a guitar arrived for review with a broken string that was tied back together. I don’t know how they did it, I’m just… in awe.” I don’t...

Guitar Umbrella

I never use an umbrella but I would use the one below! This is a creation of students from the School of Visual Arts MFA Designer as Author.