Guitar Strings Can Destroy Your Instrument !

We’ve all been there. Guitar strings, “the heavier the better”, right ? I mean, sure, we all want to rock out and make some noise, but this is just taking it too far. But let’s be real, this guitar was probably owned by a metalhead who’s...

Beneath The Dirt, A Wonderful Teisco Excetro Bass?

RED ALERT ** Hazmat suit required to touch that bass ! ** You can’t get any relic than that. Pretty sure that under the mold and dirt, there is a nice bass guitar to rescue… Well, if someone can lift it from that wall ! Excetro was a house brand of the...

What’s That Buzz ?

If your guitar buzzes when not plugged in… Beware of the wasps ! A Melbourne man brought a guitar to Living Music that had been left in a shed for years and was making a buzzing sound when played. Upon inspection, it was discovered that the source of the buzzing...